If you are ever unsure or confused about a lab procedure you should...
take your best guess
do nothing
ask the instructor
skip that step of the procedure
Who should hit the emergency gas shut off button in an emergency?
only the teacher
only the designated student
no one should ever hit the button
whoever is closest to the button
Goggles must be worn when...
working with chemicals
using glassware
heating substances
measuring with a ruler
True or False: Before performing an experiment you are expected to read all procedures.
To move a hot beaker you should use...
your hand
crucible tongs
beaker tongs
ring stand clamp
True or False: You are allowed to eat food in the laboratory.
Which of the following is NOT allowed when performing an experiment?
pushing stool under lab desk
wearing safety goggles
keeping backpack and papers on lab desk
cleaning lab desk at the end of the experiment
True or False: An SDS of a chemical will contain procedures for dealing with an accidental spill.
If a chemical splashes in your eye you should...
rub your eyes until it stops hurting
rinse in eye wash for 20 minutes
use the safety shower
splash water from the sink in your eyes
A chemical is very unlikely to splash in your eye because...
we won't be using chemicals in this class
accidents never happen
all chemicals are safe for your eye
you will be wearing your safety goggles
A container that is being heated should be...
pointed away for yourself and others
closed tightly with a stopper
watched by at least one lab group member
cooled immediately in cold water
When in a lab room you should...
never touch equipment until instructed to do so
never remove chemicals or equipment from the room
know the locations of all safety equipment
all of the above
When lighting a Bunsen burner, which step comes first?
lighting the match/ lighter
turning on the gas
If glass equipment breaks you should alert your teacher, then ...
sweep it into your sink
sweep it into broken glass container
pick it up by hand and throw in trash can
Which of the following represent appropriate lab clothing and preparation?
pulling long hair back
removing dangling jewelry
wearing a loose and baggy hooded sweatshirt
wearing closed-toe shoes
I have reviewed the Flinn Student Safety Contract and I feel confident in my ability to perform lab experiments safely for this class. When in doubt, I will ask my teacher to clarify and directions or procedures.
Yes, I agree
No, I disagree
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