A mouse with a short life span, produces more offspring than can survive, and gives little or no parental care is a
R-selected species
K-selected species
An elephant that has only 1 offspring at a time, has a long life span, and provides parental care throughout maturity is a
K- selected species
R-selected species
A pattern of survival over time in which there is high survival throughout most of the life span, but then individuals start to die in large numbers as they approach old age.
Type i survivorship
Type ii survivorship
Type iii survivorship
A pattern of survival over time in which there is a relatively constant decline in survivorship throughout most of the life span.
Type ii survivorship
Type i survivorship
Type iii survivorship
A pattern of survival over time in which there is low survivorship early in life with few individuals reaching adulthood.
Type III survivorship
Type II survivorship
Type I survivorship
Population growth rate is figured out by
Birth + deaths
This graph represents the _______ growth curve.
This graph represents a _____ growth curve
When the exponential growth hits the ecosystems _________ it levels off and changes to logistic growth.
Carrying capacity
substantiated curve
dependent factors
Which would have the lowest survival rate in the beginning, but if it survives to maturity, it can live a long time.
Type III survivor
Oak tree
A generalist species is a species that generally has a wide range of things in their diets as well as a relatively large area of habitat.
Organisms adapted to narrow habitats, limited food resources, or other specific environmental conditions.
These organisms have:
Long life span
Long period of gestation-pregnancy
Long term care of babies until maturity
Have few babies
These organisms have:
Short life span
Short gestation-pregnancy
Very little care for babies
Produce more offspring that can survive
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